© Humana 2025
Humana Medicare Advantage member and National Senior Games athlete Alan Grofe says he stays with Humana because it consistently has the best plan options for him.
“Every time I would take a look at the Medicare opportunities and plans, the first thing I realized was that the Advantage plan was the best plan for the dollar,” said Alan. “It just really fit well.”
One feature Alan appreciates in his chosen plan is his provider is in a value-based arrangement with his Medicare Advantage plan. He said, “that makes such a difference that my physician is paid a monthly fee for taking care of me, not the number of times they get me to come in.”
When evaluating healthcare plans to fit your lifestyle and medical needs, it’s important to consider all your options, including the quality of plans available. Humana Medicare Advantage plans consistently receive high ratings from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
The CMS 5-star rating system measures the excellence of Medicare plans each year. CMS uses information from member-satisfaction surveys, health plans, and healthcare providers to assign overall Star Rating to plans, considering 40 different quality measures across nine categories.
Three of Humana’s Medicare Advantage plans have received a 5-star rating for 2023, including HMO plans in Louisiana, Tennessee and Kentucky covering approximately 356,000 members. These plans include Cariten Health Plan Inc. in Tennessee, as well as Humana Health Benefit Plan of Louisiana, Inc. in Louisiana and Humana Health Plan of Ohio, Inc. in Kentucky, all of which are receiving 5-star ratings for the second year in a row. Humana received a 4.5-star rating for seven Medicare Advantage contracts offered in 46 states and Puerto Rico covering more than 3 million members. Additionally, 96 percent of Humana’s MA members, or 4.9 million people, are in plans rated 4 stars or above by CMS.
Considering his own Medicare Advantage plan, Alan says, “It’s got the best coverage at the best price. And it’s proven to be the case. I’ve stayed with Humana now for years just because of that, and every year I reanalyze and see if there’s anything better. But every year Humana has been the one.”
Learn more about Humana Medicare Advantage plans → https://www.humana.com/medicare/medicare-advantage-plans
Your results may vary. It may not be typical to improve health conditions by taking the actions Alan did. Humana is a Medicare Advantage [HMO, PPO, and PFFS] organization with a Medicare contract. Value-based providers may also receive fee-for-service payments. Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. Enrollment in any Humana plan depends on contract renewal.